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Table 2 Description of experimental animals and cardiac functional parameters

From: Forced expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p57Kip2 in cardiomyocytes attenuates ischemia-reperfusion injury in the mouse heart



R26loxp-TAp57 k/+ ; Mlc2v-cre k/+


n = 6

n = 4

Age (days old)

136 ± 22

133 ± 23

Body Weight (grams)

32 ± 1

34.2 ± 1

Heart Weight (mg)

162 ± 2

214 ± 2

Heart/Body Weight Ratio (mg/g)

5.03 ± 0.45

6.19 ± 0.75

Baseline functional parameters

LVSP (mmHg)

97 ± 9

107 ± 3

LVEDP (mmHg)

3.4 ± 1.4

2 ± 1

LVDP (mmHg)

94 ± 10

105 ± 3

HR (bpm)

418 ± 22

387 ± 24

RPP (bpm × mmHg)

37,920 ± 3,064

41,218 ± 2,794

dP/dt max (mmHg/sec)

2,461 ± 262

2,764 ± 180

CF (ml/min)

4.53 ± 0.24

4.58 ± 0.26

Functional Parameters post I/R

LVSP (mmHg)

75 ± 3.5

87 ± 11

LVEDP (mmHg)

39 ± 4.3

23 ± 8

LVDP (mmHg)

30 ± 6*

63 ± 15*

HR (bpm)

362 ± 37

368 ± 17

RPP (bpm × mmHg)

10,361 ± 2,077**

22,787 ± 4,858**

dP/dt max (mmHg/sec)

944 ± 193

1,513 ± 332

CF (ml/min)

2.38 ± 0.24**

3.5 ± 0.5**

  1. Values are means ± SE. The two asterisks (**) indicate statistical significance with a probability of p < 0.05 (unpaired t-test), while the one asterisk indicates a probability of p = 0.05. One-way ANOVA followed by Fisher post hoc test also indicated significant difference among these groups. There was also a strong trend for lower LVEDP in the transgenic hearts; however with the small number of tested animals this did not reach statistical significance. LVSP, left ventricular systolic pressure; LVEDP, left ventricular end diastolic pressure; LVDP, left ventricular developed pressure, HR, heart rate; RPP, rate pressure product; CF, coronary flow.